Latest Version |
Click on link to see the full list of added features. |
User Manual |
Click on link to go to User Manuals page. |
Download Page |
| Download the installer for the Free Trial version. This includes all the Basic, Educational and Professional functionality. |
Price |
Free |
$39 |
Upgrading to a higher version will discount the payment already made for the lower version. |
Buy Activation Key |
N/A |
An Activation Key can be purchased online via PayPal or Credit Card |
Upgradeable |
Activate additional features by upgrading to higher versions of HarmonyBuilder, using the "Upgrade to " menu in the application's menu bar. |
Easy to use |
All commands are self-evident, and can be quickly reviewed by reading the roll-over tool-tips, or by watching the product Video. For more details, consult the User Manual. |
Speedy editing |
Most editing functions have a keyboard shortcut, to allow for speedy composing and editing. Shortcut reminders are available in a convenient drop-down menu. |
View .HAB files |
Get .HAB files from the Sample File Repository. |
Nudge notes |
Move notes along the chromatic scale, and hear changes in the resulting chord. Ideal for exploring complex harmonies in chorale format. |
Change note length |
Change the note length with one click |
Split & meld notes |
Easily change a note into two notes with half the length. Use this to create passing notes and embellishments. |
One-click chord entry |
insert the Tonic chord with one button click |
7 navigation modes |
Hear the score using one of 7 navigation modes (Chord, Chord (part-wise), Note, Step, Go To, Line-Flip, Cinematic and Static Cursor), enabling full control of what is heard while composing and editing. |
Cross-platform |
This application is written in Java, so will run on any operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) that has Java 6 (or higher) installed on it. Get Java here. |
E-mail composition hyperlink |
E-mail a private hyperlink, to any number of friends, that will open the composition directly in a browser. |
Text tool |
Comments, chord symbols, lyrics, etc. can be added to the score. |
Line Tool |
Add lines to score, to indicate specific notes or chords. |
Save song files |
Save song files to your hard drive or public web archive. Also, save in MIDI format. |
Save Forum files |
Save compositions in the www.harmonydiscuss.com forum directly to your hard drive. |
Save/Edit Archive files |
Save compositions in the www.harmonyarchive.com public archive to your hard drive, and re-edit them. |
Score Printing |
Print the score to paper or PDF format. |
Chord Grid |
Choose from 132 individual chords, and add them to the score with one click. |
Automatic Chord Recognition |
All scale chords are recognized by the program, and described in a Nomenclature panel, both in Figured Bass notation and Chord Symbol notation. Also, exact intervals between adjacent notes are shown. |
Note Coloration |
When in Chord navigation mode, the position of each chord tone (root, 3rd, 5th, 7th) can be color-coded for easy recognition. This is very useful for creating chord extensions! |
Checker Panel |
As you compose, color-coded markings will appear over voice-leading errors, like parallel and hidden 5ths and 8ves; the incorrect motion of 7ths, diminished 5ths, and leading-tones; surpassed note range limits; excessive intervals between notes; and more. See User Manual for complete descriptions. |
Error Printing |
Any combination of errors can be selected for printing to paper or PDF. Teachers can then return corrected homework to their students as a printout or a PDF attached to an e-mail. |
Chord Voicing Generator (Builder Panel) |
The program lists all possible permutations of note positions (i.e. voicings), within a user-defined range, for each selected "next" chord. |
Error Filtering |
All chords that contain voice-leading errors with the "previous" chord can be filtered out of the options list. Also included are a voice-crossing filter and repeated-note filter. |
Chord Selector |
All triads and seventh chords (from both major and minor scales) can be selected from a chord wheel, together with their inversion and voicing choice. |
Suggestion Window |
This feature shows the best options for the "next" chord, based on the "previous" chord. |
Visual and Aural Feedback |
Each potential "next" chord is presented both as a sound and a color combination, helping the user choose the best "next" chord in the composition. |
Set Melody |
This feature allows users to fix a melody note for each chord, then see (and hear) all voicing options having that melody note, including those found in other keys! Excellent for the reharmonizing a given melody. |
Set Bass Note |
This feature allows users to determine the bass note of each successive chord, then see (and hear) all chord and key options! Excellent for creating or resolving Figured Bass excercises. |
Personal Online Score Database |
Sudents or teachers can log in to a password-protected personal online account to save or retreive their scores. |
Dedicated Forum |
Personalized forum with full control over Forum Categories and database. |